70 Good Morning Thanking You God Quotes

Good Morning Thanking You God Quotes: Are you seeking encouraging Good Morning God Quotes? To start your day with God’s blessings, we’ve compiled the best selection of motivational good morning God quotes, sayings, wishes, messages, and captions (with images and photographs).

Good Morning Thanking You God Quotes

The best way to ensure a great day is to start the day with God’s thoughts and appreciation. Your attitude is lifted by the wonderful energy, which also helps you feel grateful for all the nice things in life.

Send your loved ones these lovely good morning god messages and wishes for a wonderful day ahead! Don’t forget to start your day off right by reading our happy morning quotes and greetings!

Thank you god Inspirational quotes Good morning quotes

Thank you god Inspirational quotes Good morning quotes

Check out these God is Good quotations as well if you want to connect with Him and maintain your hope and trust.

Good Morning Thanking You God Quotes

1. God never sends you into a situation alone. God goes before you. He stands beside you. He walks behind you. Whatever situation you have right now, be confident. God is with you. Good Morning!

2. God has taught me that I never need to worry about tomorrow. I survived yesterday. I am alive and dealing with today. With God’s help, I can face tomorrow and whatever may come my way. Good morning. Have an awesome day.

3. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! 18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand–when I awake, I am still with you. – Psalm 139:17-18 NIV – 17 (Bible Verse)

Good Morning Wishes with Prayer Thank You God Quotes To Use In Prayer

Good Morning Wishes with Prayer Thank You God Quotes To Use In Prayer

4. Because we cannot see just what God is saving us from, we vent our foolish reproaches; if we could see this, we would often kneel down and thank God for certain trials as the richest of His mercies. – Author Unknown

5. The work you do today may be difficult and tiring, but we should still thank God for it because it is His gift to us – the ability to provide for our needs. – Dr. David Jeremiah

6. And now I speak of thanking God, I desire with all humility to acknowledge that I owe the mentioned happiness of my past life to His kind providence, which lead me to the means I used and gave them success. – Benjamin Franklin, Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

7. Lord, what a relief to focus on what you think of me instead of what other people think. May I always keep my eyes on you. – Karen O’Connor, God Bless My Senior Moments

Goos morning Thank God Quotes Inspirational Words of Wisdom

Goos morning Thank God Quotes Inspirational Words of Wisdom

8. Stand up straight and realize who you are, that you tower over your circumstances. You are a child of God. Stand up straight. – Maya Angelou, Rainbow in the Cloud

9. Thank goodness, God has a sense of humor because I think that’s why He has been so patient with me. – Lindsey K. Rietzsch, You Were Meant to Prosper

10. We give thanks to God not because of how we feel but because of who He is. – Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts Devotional

11. For thousands of years millions of people have been encouraged by the thought that the God of the universe cares about them. – John Ortberg, What Is God’s Will for My Life?

12. Happy moments, PRAISE GOD Difficult moments, SEEK GOD Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD Painful moments, TRUST GOD Every moment, THANK GOD. – Rick Warren

13. Testimonies help others. They build your faith and also serve as witnesses to God’s power to bring you out of trouble. Scott Gordon, Tough Times Cannot Last Forever

14. Thank God for this! Once again we are alive to greet the spring. – Wilhelmina Stitch

15. The more I look at the times “thanks” is mentioned in God’s Word – the more I notice. . . This giving of thanks has nothing to do with my circumstances and everything to do with my God. – Jenni Hunt, Haywire Christmas

16. He wants us to be totally sold-out, radical lovers of Jesus. He wants us to be hungry for His Presence, because there is NOTHING better in the world than being with Him! – Whitney Meade, The Balance Beam

17. A heart that loves God does not come to God just to get things from Him, but just to love Him for His sake. – Benjamin Sealey, Restoring The Heart of Worship

18. Find time to thank God for all the blessings you receive on a day to day basis. – Steven Johnson, Prayer

19. Thank God for His grace, for without it we would have no hope! – Billy Graham, Hope for Each Day

20. Thank God for home and parents, children and friends, for sweet companionship that never ends. – Thomas Durley Landels

21. Don’t complain about it, pray about it! Thank GOD for what you have and let it go. Give it to GOD. – Joanna C Smith, Sister Chronicles

22. Anybody can thank God for good things. But when you can thank God even in the bad things, your faith grows and your spiritual roots go deeper. – Rick Warren

23. Good morning may this new day give you precious memories that will last a lifetime and may God bless you and your family. You are very special

24. Thank God for the battle verses in the Bible. We go into the unknown every day of our lives, and especially every Monday morning, for the week is sure to be a battlefield, outwardly and inwardly in the unseen life of the spirit, which is often by far the sternest battlefield for souls. Either way, the Lord your God goes before you, He shall fight for you! – Amy Carmichael

25. Worship is a way of gladly reflecting back to God the radiance of His worth. – John Piper

26. God intervenes in people’s lives all the time. But we seldom document these special, faith-building events. I think we should write them down so we will remember them and can pass them on. – Steve Saint, Walking His Trail

27. Good morning. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy spirit. – Romans 15:13

28. Today, I pray for god’s power to guide you. God’s might to uphold you. God’s wisdom to teach you. And god’s eyes to watch over you always in Jesus’ name I pray, amen. Good Morning

29. No matter how dark the night has been… The rising sun reminds us that God is truly good and life is beautiful… Thank you dear God for a new day of our life! Blessed Morning!

30. We should ever aim at coming into contact with God in the morning, so that hearing His voice we may be made conscious of His presence, and know the inspiration that comes from such a meeting. – Duncan Campbell

31. Sometimes prayers does not change the situation, but it changes our attitude towards the situation and gives us hope which changes our entire life. Good Morning.

32. The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak.. – Psalm 19:1, 2 (Bible Verse)

33. Good morning have a beautiful day… God bless you! Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ into eternal life.

34. I have lived to thank God that not all my prayers have been answered. – Jean Ingelow

35. But, thank God through the written word I can find joy, peace and comfort through life’s trials. – Ruel Fordyce, Hello! I’m Talking To You

36. Focusing on what God isn’t doing will lead to unbelief, doubt, worry and fear. Being thankful for what He has done and is doing will lead to fulfillment, contentment, life and peace. – Andrew Farland, Change Your Perspective Change You Life!

37. Thank God, He knows better than we do what is needed. I have learned one other thing, one thing I would like to share, the truth I have witnessed with my own eyes, the only truth I know… There is hope. – Vickie Saine, From Tribulation to Peace

38. Your past may be painful, yet you must forgive, move on, and thank God for it. – Martin Henderson, Fatherhood: A Message to Men

39. May God help us to be thankful for our past; thankful for our present, but most of all thankful for the permanent. Which means, thanking God for Himself. – Steve Pease

40. In Everything Give Thanks For all that God in mercy sends – For health and children, home and friends – Author Unknown

41. Before you fall asleep at night, thank God for three things that happened during the day. – Robert Morgan, Worry Less, Live More

42. Thankfully, we have a God who does not quit being God when the situation is bad. – Daniel Brown, Dirty Christians

43. God gave us the ability to do, not just try Give thanks rather than cry. – Catherine Pulsifer, Let God Guide You

44. I’m thankful and amazed that God no longer remembers my sins (see Hebrews 10:17; Jeremiah 31:34). – Stephen Arterburn, Regret-Free Living

45. As Christians we ought to be thankful, and the Bible says that it is God’s will for our lives to give thanks, in everything. – Wayne Harmon, Thanksgiving: Things which the Bible says to give thanks for

46. God has been there every step of the way. I praise God for His Strength in all things. – Diane Winbush, Reflections of A Father

47. Gratitude is fundamental to so much we learn in the Bible. All of Scripture calls us to live in a posture of thankfulness, first to God and then to other people. – Adam Hamilton, Love to Stay Book

48. “Some may say that I am ‘religious’, but I prefer to describe that as having a relationship with God that causes me to be able to express thanks, love, gratitude, distress, pain, and all the other emotive things that come as part of our human experience. – Vernette John-Joiles, Love Needs No Occasion 2

49. There are two ways to wake up in the morning. One is to say, ‘Good morning, God,’ and the other is to say, ‘Good God, morning! – Fulton J. Sheen

50. In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. – Psalm 5:3 NIV – 3 (Bible Verse)

51. The appearance of the sun every morning is a sign from God to let us know that there is new hope. So see each day as a special day made for you to achieve what you couldn’t achieve yesterday. Good Morning.

52. From morning to night keep Jesus in thy heart, long for nothing, desire nothing, hope for nothing but to have all that is within thee changed into the spirit and temper of the holy Jesus. – William Law

53. Good morning my god go before you today and make a way where there seems to be no way. May he place the right people in your path and move the wrong people out of the way. Amen. Have a blessed day

54. Dear Lord, I thank you for the grace of being alive this morning; I thank you for the sleep that has refreshed me; I thank you for the chance to make a new beginning.

55. Good morning. My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning I will direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up. – Psalm 5:3 KJV (Bible Verse)

56. Today I pray for you.. a heart free of sadness, a mind free of worries, a life full of gladness, a body free of illness and a day full of god’s blessings. Good Morning!

57. Walk with God when your heart needs company. Turn to God when you need someone to lean on. Take God’s hand when you feel lost and alone. When no one can be there, remember God is always there. You are never alone! Good Morning and stay blessed.

58. Thank God every morning when you get up that you have something to do that day, which must be done, whether you like it or not. – James Russell Lowell

59. Good morning as the sky breaks into a beautiful sunrise, may God open the heavens to shower you lots of love & happiness to make your day a meaningful one. Have a lovely day!

60. Everyday God thinks of you. Every hour God looks after you. Every minute God cares for you. Because every second, he loves you. Good Morning!

61. No matter how stormy life gets, never let it bring you down. Always smile and be thankful because God woke you up today and every day is a blessing Good Morning.

62. Get up in the morning and pay thanks to God for providing you, one more beautiful opportunity to do something beautiful and better than yesterday. Good morning. God bless you!

63. Good morning how cool is it that the same God who created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you, too. May u have an awesome day.

64. Good morning, I rise today with God’s spirit to teach me, God’s power to pilot me, God’s strength to sustain me, God’s wisdom to guide me, God’s eye to look ahead for me, God’s ear to hear me, God’s word to speak for me, God’s hand to protect and carry me, God’s love to prosper and complete me. Amen.

65. I never really look for anything. What God throws my way comes. I wake up in the morning and whichever way God turns my feet, I go. – Pearl Bailey

66. The prayer offered to God in the morning during your quiet time is the key that unlocks the door of the day. Any athlete knows that it is the start that ensures a good finish. – Adrian Rogers

67. May God bless you with the riches of his grace; with the treasures of his Love; with the comfort of his Mercies; with the strength of his Presence; with the touch of his Care. Good Morning

68. Every morning has a new beginning, a new blessing, a new hope. It’s a perfect day because it’s God’s gift. Have a blessed, hopeful perfect day to begin with.

69. People will hurt you, God will heal you. People will humiliate you, God will magnify you. People will judge you, God will justify you. Have faith. Very Good Morning.

70. The Sovereign LORD has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed. – Isaiah 50:4 NIV – 4 (Bible Verse)

71. As the sun rises today, thank God for another day. Good morning! Wake up with a smile and pray, Lord, help me make this day better than yesterday.

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