Happy veterans day status, quotes & heartfelt veterans day wishes messages to say thank you veterans on this special veterans day. Use this list of Veterans Day messages to inspire you to write a thankful note to the veteran in your life. Here are some famous quotes to honor U.S. Veterans on Veterans Day this year. Include one of these memorable quotes on your Veterans Day card to a former service member.
1. “The sacrifice you guys have made will never go in vain. All your great deeds will pass from one generation to the next generation as long as the human race exists.”
2. “May you always have the blessings of Almighty with you to help you serve your country with all your courage, dedication, and commitment. Happy Veterans Day to you, my brave husband.”
3. “The patriot’s blood is the seed of freedom’s tree.” ~ Thomas Campbell
4. “Thank you for serving us selflessly! You are the true epitome of fortitude, bravery, and patriotism! We salute you all on this Veteran’s Day!”
5. “We can never give you back what you have lost protecting us. But we can always thank you from our hearts for the sacrifices you have made for us. I’m grateful you served.”
6. “Thank you to everyone who fought for the country and gave their lives. They are true inspirations. Happy Veterans Day to everyone in the service.”
7. “Without your bravery and compromises, we would never be here to thank you today. Your footprints will always be followed when it’s time for us to protect the nation!”
8. “We would like to take a moment today to pause and honor our United States veterans. With gratitude and appreciation, we recognize that the freedoms we enjoy today were built upon the backs of selfless men and women all across this nation, willing to risk their lives for their country. Let me respectfully thank our veteran employees, and also our active duty military around the world for your service – you are to be respected and uplifted.”
9. “Thank you so much for serving the country. You and everyone who fought deserve all the respect and admiration. My heart is filled with love and respect for you. Thank you for your service.”
10. “Salute to everyone who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and made us feel protected. This Veterans Day, nothing but huge respect for you all. Thank you for your service.”
11. “During a war, many soldiers may fall, but no soldier fails. Going out there and fighting is an achievement in itself. All our soldiers are winners. Let us salute them. Wish you a Happy Veteran’s Day.”
12. “Happy Veterans Day to all branches of the military force! We sincerely honor your dedication and sacrifices!”
13. “Thanks for all you do for our country and have done. God bless all of you and your families.” – Christie Fuller”
14. “We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” ~ Cynthia Ozick
15. “This Veterans Day, let us celebrate the veterans who never thought twice to sacrifice their lives and existence for the betterment of the citizens. Thank you, brave soldiers.”
16. “The special occasion of Veterans Day fills every heart with great motivation to contribute to the country in the smallest way possible. Mine is filled every day by the acts of courage you do, dearest husband. Happy Veterans Day to you.”
17. “I think there is one higher office than President and I would call that patriot.” ~ Gary Hart
18. “Liberty comes at a price, and the men and women who serve our country are willing to pay that price for our freedom and peace. Today, we thank you, we salute you, we honor you Veterans!”
19. “We are not only thankful to you but also motivated by you. You have shown us how to be brave and honest. You will always be in our hearts. Happy Veterans Day”
20. “My father had many, many veterans over to the house, and the older I got the more I appreciated their sacrifice.” ~ Steven Spielberg
21. “Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude.” ~ Harry S. Truman
22. “To our men and women in uniform, past, present, and future, God bless you and thank you.” ~ Anonymous
23. “We owe our World War II veterans – and all our veterans – a debt we can never fully repay.” ~ Doc Hastings
24. “Wishing my inspiring husband a very Happy Veterans Day. May you always shine bright in your uniform, doing your duty to the best of your abilities. From your loving lady and kids.”
25. “Everyone who dedicated their lives to serving the country is our hero. May God always bless every serving man and woman. Happy Veterans Day.”
26. “I hope you are enjoying your day. It demands focus patience, bravery, and commitment to give the country what it needs most: its veterans! Warm wishes on this Veterans Day as well my love – know that I miss every moment with you.”
27. “May God forever bless our servicemen and women. I have nothing but honor and gratitude to show to you today and always. You are worth all that you can get!”
28. “You have always kept your nation before everything else and we will always be proud of your decision. Wishing you a Happy Veterans Day, my brave wife.”
29. “Valor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul.” ~ Michel de Montaigne
30. “Thank you for protecting the world and making it a better place. Happy Veterans Day.”
31. “From the soldiers on our streets to those who serve and sacrifice at home, we thank you for your service. With gratitude in mind that can only be felt by someone fortunate enough not to have any needs or wants aside from one’s own country – let’s take this moment together as one piece of America!”
32. “To serve our country is to give one’s self completely. Husband, I wish you the courage, patience, and dedication that it takes for this great task–may all veterans know how much their service means in making America safe again!”
33. “Freedom comes to those who are willing to pay for the worth of it! Dear Veterans, we wholeheartedly thank you for your heroism!”
34. “Thank you so much for serving this country and keeping us safe. Thank you for the sacrifice you’ve made and your dedication. I pray for many blessings and any healing for you and your loved ones.” – Sharita Pickett
35. “In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.” ~ Jose Narosky
36. “Happy Veterans Day. Without your sacrifice, we would never be able to sleep peacefully in our homes. Thank you for everything.”
37. “On thy grave, the rain shall fall from the eyes of a mighty nation!” ~ Thomas William Parsons
38. “We should show our gratitude and respect for all those veterans who have served this country. They are heroes, no matter what the circumstance is that brought them onto battlefields in their past.”
39. “You do not need to wear capes to be our superheroes; you are more than the superheroes we see in movies. Happy Veteran’s Day.”
40. “We are not only thankful to you but also motivated by you. You have shown us how to be brave and honest. You will always be in our hearts.”
41. “They taught us what patriotism is all about. They taught us what courage and bravery are all about. On Veteran Day, thanking all our veterans for inspiring us.”
42. “I think there is one higher office than President and I would call that patriot.” ~ Gary Hart
43. “Salute to all the people who gave their lives to save the grace of the country! Salute to them, Happy Veterans’ Day!”
44. “Liberty comes at a price, and the men and women who serve our country are willing to pay that price for our freedom and peace. Today, we thank you, we salute you, we honor you Veterans!”
45. “For an American citizen, today is the day to proudly remember all the soldiers’ sacrifices. Let us bow our heads to honor them and thank them for everything.”
46. “America’s veterans embody the ideals upon which America was founded more than 229 years ago.” ~ Steve Buyer
47. “Duty, Honor, Country. Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be.” ~ Gen. Douglas MacArthur
48. “Sending you my best regards on this veteran’s day. Your heroic deeds shape our beautiful history. Thank you for being such warriors.”
49. “May this Veteran’s Day be the day when we all feel proud about dedication, loyalty, and sacrifice for our country! Happy Veteran’s Day, son! Make us proud with your bravery and patriotism!”
50. “Remembering with gratitude the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.”
51. “He loves his country best and strives to make it best.” ~ Robert G. Ingersoll
52. “My heroes are those who risk their lives every day to protect our world and make it a better place—police, firefighters, and members of our armed forces.” – Sidney Sheldon
53. “Not everyone has the heart to accept the call of the motherland, but you came forward with exceptional courage!”
54. “Wishing my lovely family a very Happy Veterans Day. Let us come together to celebrate this day and be thankful to them for their service.”
55. “Happy Veterans Day to everyone celebrating! Let us honor the heroes who protect our motherland with their unyielding courage!”
56. “Happy Veterans Day. You guys deserve every ounce of respect for securing our future. And in return, we will secure yours, Happy Veteran’s Day to all our employees.”
57. “He loves his country best who strives to make it best.” – Robert G. Ingersoll”
58. “Happy Veterans Day, hubby! Your contribution towards our motherland is remarkable!”
59. “Without your bravery and compromises, we would never be here to thank you today. Your footprints will always be followed when it’s time for us to protect the nation!”
60. “Salute to everyone who has made an immense sacrifice for the country. Your patriotism is an example for all of us. We consider ourselves honored to work with you. Thank you very much. Happy Veterans Day.”
61. “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear—not absence of fear.” ~ Mark Twain
62. “Seeing you in uniform is the most inspiring thing for me. Wishing you a very Happy Veterans Day and a big salute to you for the love and respect you have for our country.”
63. “I have long believed that sacrifice is the pinnacle of patriotism.” ~ Bob Riley
64. “On the occasion of Veterans Day, I salute you for all the wonderful work you are doing and making us proud. Happy Veterans Day to my loving wife.”
65. “I thank each of you among us who have served, and those who are currently serving as well. At times it may appear that what you and your family give, is not appreciated. We all do appreciate you and your sacrifices and service. I know that we as a country and as a company would not have the peace and safety and freedom and blessings that we have without you. Thank you!”
66. “Happy Veterans Day! Our nation takes immense pride in the fierce soldiers and their uncountable sacrifices!”
67. “To my husband, the brave and committed vet who gave so much to this country, I celebrate your service on Veterans Day. Know that you are loved by all of us here with gratitude for what your sacrifices have made possible!”
68. “Without your hard work and dedication, it’d be tough to have a sound sleep. Thanks for your contribution to the country. Happy Veterans Day, my friend.”
69. “Thank you so much for serving the country. You and everyone who fought deserve all the respect and admiration. My heart is filled with love and respect for you.”
70. “Better than honor and glory, and history’s iron pen, was the thought of duty done and the love of his fellow men.” ~ Richard Watson Gilder
71. “We are so grateful to the veterans among our work colleagues who put their lives on the line for us. They deserve every honor and gratitude we can give them because they fought bravely to make this great society what it is today! Happy Veteran’s Day everybody.”
72. “Thank you to all the great and brave soldiers who helped build this great nation! You are the reason behind our greatness today! Have a great Veteran’s Day!”
73. “Thank you to all veterans, past and present. Thank you to the families of our active-duty military, who live the sacrifice of your deployments. We depend on you and never could thank you enough.” – Joan”
74. “Happy Veterans Day, to my bird- my dear son. Your selfless service and the desire to keep us safe are what make life worthy. Love you, baby boy.”
75. “We should all take time to show our gratitude and appreciation for those who serve in the armed services. They provide an invaluable service that is above anything else we could ask from them- risking their lives so we can live out peaceful lives free from war.”
All of these Veterans Day quotes pays tribute and gives thanks for those who are serving and those who have served to protect our freedom. Lest we never forget.