Looking for cute good night messages you can say to your girl to make her feel special? Check out our list and find the right phrases to melt her heart! Here is some good night text for her if you can’t find the right words to say tonight. People say dreams are just fictional scenarios but being with you proved that dreams do come true. Sweet dreams, my love! I hope that your rest is awesome and deep. Good night, babe. Good night, honey. Good night and have a good sleep. Good night, beautiful! Dream sweet dreams.
Really Cute Good Night Text Messages for Her
Good night quotes for her “No matter how far you are. You are always in my thoughts! Goodnight” the night is a very special period when people dream about the future. What can make the night more wonderful and romantic than a message? Really cute good night text messages for her You can simply text your loved one and express your feelings. Good night messages are the best way to impress your loved one. You are loved.
Do you want some cute goodnight texts for her to make her happy? You are not far from the sweetest goodnight text messages for your woman. When I wish good night to special friends like you. I do not feel good because now you are away from me. Goodnight friend sleeps well. I love you my dear best friend, you make me happy always, I feel so awesome with you during the day at night you make my dreams brighter by being a part of my dreams.
Good night text for her
Romantic good night text for her: quotes and messages “Hey! You’re beautiful and gorgeous in your own way. Don’t let anyone make you feel unloved, because you are perfect just the way you are.” 174 Cute good night messages for her – text messages, wishes and quotes for you.
1. Good night sweet dreams “I’ll have to settle for the next best thing- wishing you good night and sweet dreams! You are my light when I’m in dark, you are my good thoughts of mind….thank you for being in my life. Goodnight my love. Leave all your worries aside, and close your eyes and sleep.”
2. “Love is the simpler feelings, I dream every night about you I want to capture your heart… I love you.”
3. “Good night may your night be blessed with sweet dreams!”
4. “Never underestimate the power of honesty, love and friendship”
5. “If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. Good night!”
6. “I like the night. Without the dark, we’d never see the stars.”
7. “My love for you goodnight my love for the night, Just want to wish you pleasant sight may you see some wonderful dreams all through this silent night, stay calm and do miss me more, I miss you to the core I love you sweetheart, wish you a good night!”
8. “Your face always makes my day belter thankyou! Good night!”
9. “Good night may god give you restful sleep sweet dreams”
10. “Wishing you a comfy night, friend, that promotes sleep! Good night! Sweet dreams”
11. “The night is far too long, for you to be away. I am desperately waiting, for it to turn into day. My heart will not away if things Keep going on like this. All I want to do is kiss you….”
12. “Night is here with stars and moons creating the atmosphere of my love for you! Good night”
13. “My heart reacted, my eyes detected, between thousands were rejected, but only you were selected 2 be, my sweetest love forever…!!!”
14. “While you dream, I wish that each hope and goal come true. I just want you to receive everything that you have wished for.”
15. “I am sending you this pillow of happy dreams and blanket of care so you will have a good sleep tonight.”
16. “Goodnight sweet dream legend says, when you can’t sleep at night, it’s because you’re awake in someone else’s dream”
17. “Have a good night my dear you are the light of my world, the music in my heart and the first and last thought of my day.”
18. “It is better to lose everything you have to keep the balance of justice level than to live a life of petty privilege devoid of true freedom. Goodnight friends”
19. “My day may be hectic. My schedule may be tight. But I would never let the day end without saying goodnight.”
20. “Time for bed now. Dream about paradise and stuff. Goodnight”
21. “Good night & sweet dreams thinking about you is the tipping point where my nightmares end and sweet dreams begin”
22. “Good night dream “Am I the only one who thinks Goodmorning and Goodnight texts can change ur mood? & actually make you feel important. beautiful dreams.”
23. “Twinkling stars dropping eyes all are saying to you a good night”
24. “Am I the only one who thinks good morning and goodnight texts can change your mood & actually make you feel important?”
25. “Remembering those days which were so right, remittances & nostalgic visions come insight. Dreams of u I shall dream tonite. Yes, my love a very good night…”
26. “Goodnight night is longer than a day for those who dream & day is longer than night for those who make their dreams come true. Wish u goodnight”
27. “His good morning calls… Her goodnight messages… Wishing to take care while disconnecting call They miss each other after all Video chats when misses more His happiness Her smile From the core Distance through miles connected by hearts.”
28. “During the day I keep myself busy and sometimes time passes. But at night, I miss you. Good night my love!”
29. “I want to wake up to your good morning texts, I want to sleep for your good night calls. I want to be the one to catch you in all your falls. I want a guy who is man enough to be my pillow, my teddy, and my love. Not to do all this out of obligation, but to do them to show his affection. I want to be loved, feel loved. Every girl deserves the best. Don’t you agree?”
30. “Happy birthday to you”
31. “On this cold cold right, in my small small room. I look at the bright bright stars in the dark dark shy and dream of ur sweet sweet smile. Good night.”
Good night my love
Unforgettable good night my love text messages “As the day turns into night, keep your worries out of sight. Close your eyes and go to sleep, all the good times are yours to keep. Sweet dreams & Good Night.”
32. Good night have a sweet dreams “Every night, I wish that you are safe and happy.”
33. Good night my love “I’ll go miles to kiss your forehead and kiss your beautiful lips and also to whisper a very good night in your ears. Goodnight my hove!”
34. “Relationships end because once they have you, they stop doing the things that it took to get you in the first place.”
35. “Hope u have a beautiful night, and wake up to a wonderful day! Good night!”
36. “Good night rest deeply, sleep peacefully, and dream sweetly your good name here”
37. “Don’t Lose hope. You never know what tomorrow will bring good night..!! Sweet dreams”
38. “Goodnight, my prince, my love, my everything. Sleep well and dream of your princess.”
39. “Tonight, I Would Walk a thousand miles just to be with you. Missing you, my love.”
40. “As I lay on my bed, I miss you, even more, you know my love, that I love you to the core, I love you even more. Good night my love!”
41. “Good night my friend, the night is here to stay, sleep in peace as you will, wait for another bright day, forget everything that is on your mind, because night is the time to unwind, goodnight my friend and so sleep tight, close your eyes and sleep with might, good night my friend!”
42. “Good night another day is over. It’s nice to know that there’s someone ‘who makes my day fulfilled and fun thanks to you for the inspiration. I’m sending my warm hugs and kisses as I wish my sweetest goodnight for you.”
43. “I don’t need moon light because I have better moon who is my dear. Good night”
44. “One day I wish my dream would come true and I’d wake up next to you. Till then good night!”
45. “Good night close your eyes and make a wish sending you my warm hug and kiss may you sleep tight tonight I wish you a sweet good night”
46. “It’s a lovely night, the stars so bright, the moon is also shining this hour, I just want to wish you right, that may you have a great night, good night, and yes do sleep tight!”
47. “Do you dream about me every night? Wish to hug me and hold me tight? Together forever, you and me? These are the questions that run through my mind every night. Happy sleep good night my love”
48. “I started counting one star in the sky for each reason I love you… Then I ran out of stars and I realized the reasons are infinite.”
49. “ To the beautiful woman reading this message, I want you to dream and fantasize about me this night. That is what I do when I am alone. You are one person that matters most in my life. Have a good night’s rest.”
50. “Good night Twinkling, glittering stars above, teach me the ancient ways, inspiring me with eternal love, throughout my days. Shower me with the creator’s bliss, with your gift of light. Giving me a night time kiss, to take me through the night.”
51. “You are on my mind all the time. Last though on my mind when I drift off to sleep is you. And the first thought that came into my mind after waking up is you. You have taken control of my heart and mind. Now I am all yours.”
52. “The day will end on a positive note, read a cool good night quote, coz yon will sleep so well that way, as you will wait for a bright new day, good night and sleep tight!”
53. “My longing for you. My desire and hope, I am so in love with you my dear. Lost in this night, wish you were near, I love you so much. Good night and sleep tight!”
54. “Good night have a sweet dream there will be a day. But know its night. Go to sleep or your eyes will shout. Go to bed but with comfort. Or your body will make you suffer.”
55. “Night is the nice gift so close your eyes & open the gift you see another world waiting for you… Good night”
56. “Being away from you, this night is going to be soaked in sorrow. Baby I can’t wait to be drenched in your hugs and kisses tomorrow…”
57. “The darkness of the night is here, but, it is not the time to fear, Stay relaxed and give it to the night, for tomorrow will be a day so bright, I just want to wish you through, have a lovely night!”
58. “Sweet dreams sleep tight, I love you, goodnight.”
59. “I like looking at you when you’re not paying attention because I think that’s when you’re the most beautiful because you’re not trying you’re just being you and to me that’s better than any picture you or anyone else could ever take.”
60. “I don’t care if the sun doesn’t set I don’t care if the moon doesn’t shine I don’t care if the world stops spinning as long as I am yours and you are mine… Good night”
61. “I may not be the girl in your dreams. But I can be the girl who will make your dreams come true. Good night”
62. “Once you discover your true worth, walking away from where you are not valued will become the easiest hard thing you will ever do.”
63. “Another day is almost over. You did your best. Now relax, and have a restful sleep! Good night”
64. “You were created with worth. Never lose sight of that. Don’t let anything take away what was given by god. Never question got-jr value because of this world. You’re valuable not because of how people see you, but because of how you were created to be. Know your worth.”
65. “Night is a wonderful opportunity to take rest, to forgive, to dream, to smile and to get ready for all the battle that you have to fight tomorrow… Good night!”
66. “Whenever you have a dream inside your heart, never let it go because dreams are the tiny seeds from which a beautiful tomorrow grows to have a wonderful dream tonight. Good night”
67. “I wish moon always be full and bright Whenever you go to switch off the light, remember that I am wishing you good night”
68. “Good night night always so dark but it make so lighten up by moon and make night more beautiful”
69. “Good night family & friends may you have a blessed sleep, with the sweetest dreams. Much love!”
70. “Good night my friends praying that you have a peaceful night, resting in the assurance of his love. Sweet dreams. God bless you!”
71. “Goodnight love quotes your love’s a gathered storm I chased across the sky a moment in your arms became the reason why You alone are my light I would give anything to feel you in my arms tonight.”
72. “I hope you have a good night! My friend May you sleep peacefully, and only have good dreams! May you wake up refreshed and ready to take on anything!”
Good night sweet dreams
The 174 best goodnight & sweet dreams images “Goodnight. Sleep tight.l wish you lovely dreams with all my might.” Goodnight my sweet princess. I’ll be dreaming of you just as I hope you’ll be dreaming of me.
73. “As the moonlight dims and the world goes quiet give yourself some rest here’s to hoping that your sleep is as sweet as you are a good night”
74. “And the night smells like snow. Walking home for a moment you almost believe you could start again. And an intense love rushes to your heart and hope. It’s unendurable.”
75. “I just sent my 2 angels to watch over u and protect u but they returned and told me that angels can’t watch over angels and that nothing will want to hurt such an angel. So good night dear!”
76. “The stars and moon arrive just to wish you a good night let the light of the moon guide your dreams as you pass the night away.”
77. “Good night everyone lord, please watch over my family and friends, and keep them safe! In Jesus’ name, I pray! Sweet dreams!”
78. “Don’t lose hope. You never know what tomorrow will bring Good night! Sweet dreams”
79. “Go to sleep satisfied that you did your best today. Tomorrow, wake up and determine to be the best you can be a good night”
80. “Good night if you take the time to look, you will find beauty all around. Allow it to bless you. And end your day thankful”
81. “Dreaming of you makes my night worthwhile. Thinking of you makes me smile. Being with you is the best thing ever. And loving you is what I’ll do forever. Good night”
82. “I love night time. when everywhere there is silence…but my heart beats slowly on the lyrics of my favorite e songs.”
83. “There is a magical land, it can be reached only when you sleep, all dreams are coming true there, to close your eyes and take a trip.”
84. “It was the possibility of darkness that made the day seem so bright good night”
85. “Good night touch your heart; Close your eyes; Make a wish and say goodnight!”
86. “My dreams are so full of you. I wish your dreams tonight be so full of me. Can’t wait for the morning to meet you and hug you. Good night!”
87. “A million stars have lit up the night sky just like you have lit up my entire life. My days start with you in the morning and end with you at night! Good night!”
88. “Good night between a million yesterdays and a million tomorrow, there’s only one today. And I would never let it pass without telling you – I’m thinking of you.”
89. “The night is purer than a day; it is better for thinking and loving and dreaming. At night everything is more intense, more true. The echo of words that have been spoken during the day takes on a new and deeper meaning.”
90. “As the day turns into night, keep your worries out of sight. Close your eyes and go to sleep, for all the good times are yours to keep. Good night”
Good night quotes
Good Night Wishes For Girls With Name on We Heart It “Thanks for being the eyes that helped me See beautiful the mind that helped me have amazing thoughts, the heart that helped me have conviction and the backbone that helped me stand strong.” Good night quotes “Think of all the good moments of this day and keep a smile for tomorrow! Good night!”
91. “I stayed awake last night Because I couldn’t close my eyes, I can feel you next fo my bed, Sorry for what I did till yet, I still love you, the situation might give pain, Things may get wrong, let me get the blame.”
92. “Never blame a day in our life. Good days give u happiness. Bad days give u experience. Both are essential in life! All are God blessings! Good night!”
93. “Hi, the moon. My friend is going to sleep. Tell ur’s brother the sun to raise Tomorrow late because my friend wants more relax. Good night”
94. “Look…the moon is calling u … see the stars r shining for u.. hear my heart says: may god build for u a castle in heaven and made u eat from its fruits !!! Good night!”
95. “My prayer is that… God will hold you tight and angles will keep you in sight. Blowing you a sweet Good Night!”
96. “A bed of clouds for u to sleep, Diamond stars as an ur bedside lamp, Angels from heaven singing lullabies for u, may u sleep peacefully thru out the night. Goodnight!”
97. “Touch your heart, close your eyes. Make a wish, say goodnight sky so wide, stars so bright, Off the lights, sleep so tight. Good night & sweet dreams”
98. “Have faith as tomorrow will be a new day, A new way when you can have your say, Give in to the night and Sleep well, All your tensions and stress will dwell, Goodnight and sleep tight!”
99. “Nothing makes a great day without a magical touch of your love. You rock my world as always. Thanks for today. Wishing you good night with lots of kisses.”
100. “As the day turns into night, keep your worries out of sight. Close your eyes and go to sleep, for all the good times are yours to keep. Good night.”
101. “I am sending you many attachments along with this message a lovely Kiss for you and a cuddle to snuggle you sweet whispers in your ear a love note which says that I love you much in the night when I long for your touch good night my sweetheart you have a special place in my heart!”
102. “As the moon sits high above the clouds. I gaze up into its beauty and find myself thinking of you. I am missing you…Good night my sweet angel!”
103. “I want to always be in your thoughts and heart like you are always in mine. Good night My love.”
104. “Dreaming of you makes my night worthwhile. Thinking of you makes me smile. Being with you is the best thing ever. And loving you is what I’ll do forever. Good night”
105. “I feel so good in this silent night, thinking about you, my world goes bright, thanks for making my life beautiful, you are truly wonderful, I love you. Good night!”
106. “Good night! Thinking of the sweet things happened during the day is a beautiful memory! Let those memories bring you nice dreams! Goodnight!”
107. “Thousands of of stars in the sky shine bright, but you are the only shining star in my sight.”
108. “Dreaming of one special person makes my night worthwhile, the thought of you around making me smile, I have realized being with you is the best moments I have ever had, and loving you is what I always desire to do forever, let’s meet in your dreams. Good night”
109. “Tiny stars shining bright. Its time 4 am 2 say goodnight, so close ur eyes & snuggle uptight, I’m wishing u sweet dreams tonight!”
110. “You have always defined love, happiness, dreams and every gorgeous thing on earth for me. Now it is time for you to sleep and take rest good night and sleep tight.”
111. “Good night I pray to god that your life is as sweet as honey, as fresh as raindrops, as colorful as a rainbow and as wonderful as your friendship. Have a good night and sweet dreams.”
112. “Goodnight angel Goodnight the stars are blinking in the blue its time to say good night to you The moon is murmuring abuse tomorrow is another day for love Goodnight my angel until we meet again here in heaven and may your dreams be just as sweet as you are goodnight angel goodnight…”
113. “Before going to sleep every night, forgive everyone, and sleep with a clean heart.”
114. “The night is so dark today. Lost in your thoughts. No words to say Just want to tell you that I truly love you, Wish you good night. Do sleep really tight!”
115. “My friend, you are… The light in my dark the smooth in my roughs the correct in my wrongs the easy in my toughs the bright in my dull the good in my bad the smile in my frowns the happy in my sad”
116. “The day has ended..! Busy hours are over…! It’s time to sleep…! Your dreams are waiting the night awaits in silence.. Go ahead & sleep well… Good night”
117. “Full moon wishes whatever you wish for I wish for you too. ..And pray that your hopes, dreams, and wishes come true. Good night”
Good night sweet messages
Cute Good Night Messages. Goodnight my love, I can’t wait to see your lovely face right when I wake up. I wish you goodnight, sleep well, sleep tight and dream good dreams tonight. May you end your day with happy thoughts and positive energy and look forward to a morning that is as wonderful as you.
118. “Good night sweet dreams my dreams are all incomplete without you in it. Don’t ever leave me.”
119. “Stars light Stars bright, you are the only star I see tonight, I wish I might be there guarding your dreams tonight good night and sweet dreams”
120. “One day I may die without saying goodbye to u. But I will never forget to say thank you because you hold the loveliest part in my life good night”
121. “The stars and moon arrive just to wish you a good night. Let the light of the moon guide your dreams as you pass the night away.”
122. “Good night my very special person I pray you to lay in rest, and may tomorrow bring you much love and laugh”
123. “Night is silent. The night is beautiful. The night is sweety. The night is dreadful, but the night is not complete without wishing you. Good night”
124. “Good Night, darling. Sleep well and may all your dreams be about beautiful and happy things. Remember how much I love you.”
125. “Starry night and in peace, Often memories do cease, I am missing you this night my love, I want you with me this night, I want to see your pleasant sight, but, this is not possible for now, so, I am wishing you lovely good night!”
126. “Good night thousands of miles I have walked with you, they’re still miles to go. I will always be there by your side my love. Missing you my love – Good night”
127. “May your dreams be filled with the cutest things that you’ve always longed for. Lovely night and beautiful dreams. Good night”
128. “Do you know that stars twinkle for you? Do you know that the moon shines for you? As you wait for another day so bright and new, here is my good night wish to you, I wish you a lovely night. Good night!”
129. “I wish that God would hold you tight. I hope that angels would keep you insight. Now just to make sure you feel all right, I’m gonna blow you a sweet goodnight.”
130. “I will sleep tonight with happiness in my heart knowing that tomorrow when I wake up you’ll still be there. Good night”
131. “Thanks for being the eyes that helped me see beautiful dreams, the mind that helped me have amazing thoughts, the heart that helped me have conviction and the backbone that helped me stand strong. I Love you good night”
132. “The radiance of the night and your eyes makes me think that I can’t suffice without a beautiful wife like you I love you! Good night!”
Good Night Text for Her
Here are 11 of the best good night text for her: “I know that it’s tough for you to fall asleep without me.” Every relationship needs a spice up. How well do you treat your Girl lover and how do you spice up your relationship and make it Lively.
133. “Good night your sweet time of today is ending now, forget bad incidents, remembers beautiful moments, to refresh your mind”
134. “Good night my princess, surrender to this beautiful night, In the very pleasant sight. And, I will come in your dreams for sure. So, that I can come so near, I love you so much. I wish you a lovely night. Good night and sleep tight!”
135. “Good night the thought of being with you tomorrow is what helps me through today. Good night, my love!”
136. “Day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what’s done is done. Embrace your dreams, through the night. Tomorrow comes with a whole new light!”
137. “Good night dream your sweetest dreams and may each one come true.”
138. “Good night do not think of me… I am in your eyes… in your mind.. in your heart… and in your soul… Just close your eyes and you will see me. Good night beloved. I love you and miss you”
139. “Touch your heart. Close your eyes. Make a wish. Say good night. Say good night.”
140. “Good night dream can touch your heart and soul. It is a magical memory that joins fantasy and reality. I wish you have the sweetest dream tonight…Good night”best good night text for her – good night quotes140. “Good night dream can touch your heart and soul. It is a magical memory that joins fantasy and reality. I wish you have the sweetest dream tonight…Good night”
141. “Silence of the night takes you to another world when you forget about things that happened throughout the day a time to refresh yourself and think about the day to come so close your eyes and sleep well-wishing you a lovely night wishing you -good night do sleep tight!”
142. “Hey, try and get a good night rest, and may the good lord protect you. Good night.”
143. “Night is the nice gift so close your eyes & open the gift you sec another world waiting for you… Good night”
144. “I think of you as soon as I wake up, throughout and the day again before I fall asleep. You see, you are never out of my thoughts. Have a Good Night”
145. “Have a great, sweet and wonderful night.”
146. “True good wishes are like stars that always shine but often We do not see them until the dark hours come good night sweet dreams”
147. “When I think about you, I smile like a fool. Looking at your picture this night, I feel I can drool, I want to say that I miss you so much Longing for your soft touch baby I am missing you tonight wishing you a good night!”
148. “As the night gets dark, let your worries fade. Sleep peacefully knowing you’ve done all you can do for today. Good night”
149. “Good night the biggest and brightest stars in my life are my friends who shine through night and day. Good night friends.”
150. “The pleasant link between sorrow and desire is a great night’s sleep. I wish you have restful night time and an exceptional day the following day.”
151. “Touch ur heart, close ur eyes, make a wish, say good night!”
152. “I promise to be the worrier who fights all your nightmares and be the messenger who brings you all sweet and romantic dreams. Good night!”
153. “I wish moon always be full & bright!!! U always be cool & right!!! Whenever u go to switch off the light, remember that I am wishing u good night…”
154. “The dark skies of the night are a canvas on which I paint my dreams and imagine us together, now and forever…”
155. “A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like u. Making my everyday seems so great thank u my good friend lastly good night n sweet dreams…”
156. “Wishing you good night is not easy for me, because I cannot see you in person, but, I can at least dream of you coz I do love you, I wish you a lovely good night, do sleep tight!”
157. “Good night may your dreams be sweet and peaceful and tomorrow full of pleasant surprises.”
158. “As long as you’re in my heart and I am in yours, there is no distance great enough that our love can’t travel. Good night sweetheart!”
159. “I end my stressful day with the thought of your love, that’s who manage to get rid of my stressful days. Move you. Good night.”
160. “Good night my love my life my everything”
161. “Wishing you a night of good beauty sleep. You deserve to relax. Good night!”
162. “Knock knock, anybody there, ok, the night is finally here, so, here I am, to wish you a lovely night, good night!”
163. “Whenever I think about my love for you, I see all my dreams coming true. Good night dear”
164. “Good night another day is ever. It’s nice to know that there’s someone who makes my day fulfilled and fun Thank you for the inspiration. I’m sending my warm hugs and kisses as I wish my sweetest goodnight for you.”
165. “Do not let anyone ever dull your sparkle. Good night”
166. “Dreams are like stars. You may not be able to touch them but If you follow them, they will lead you to your destiny. So believe in your dreams! Good night. Sweet dreams.”
167. “It is time to take a rest. Good night!”
168. “Fear can keep us all night long, but faith makes one beautiful Pillow. Have a peaceful good night!”
169. “My Wishes for you tonight are dreams filled with love, peace, comfort and thoughts of me.”
170. “To my sweetest dream, prettiest fantasy, loveliest thought and dearest wife good night.”
171. “Time to sleep, time to rest, switch off the light, lock your eyes…. Good night”
172. “Good night may you dream of lovely things and wake to find them real.”
173. “My sweet angel, surrender yourself to pleasant dreams and keep me in your mind even when you sleep. Good night. baby, I love you!”
174. “I am missing you more on this lovely night, missing the pretty face, your sight, I so wish you were in my arms tonight, for now, wish you a lovely good night, and sleep tight!”
175. “Good night sweet dreams friends”
176. “I wish I could watch you sleeping safely, comfortably and happily tonight. I’m sending you millions of kisses, with hopes you’ll know how much I love you! Good night!”
My Dearest Girlfriend I love you, plain and simple, I love you without a doubt. You mean the world to me, I won’t ever let you go, I’ll always keep you safe and take the best care of you that I possibly can. So goodnight my beautiful darling, may I wish you the sweetest dreams tonight. Once again sweetie, just a simple reminder, I love you, Love,
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Good night images
Looking for the best good night images pictures, photos & images? LoveThisPic’s pictures can be used on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter, and blogs.
Good night my love. These are the perfect examples of cute and romantic good night text for her and your love mate. If you want to make them feel special then use it. best good night text for her – effortlessly ignite a connection “You’ll bring a shiny smile on your lover’s face by sending a cute goodnight text to her/him. Sweet goodnight love messages will no doubt.”