End the day, before bed enjoy our goodnight memes! Experience a dose of laughter before drifting off to dreamland or share a funny meme to say good night. Be sweetly random tonight and make your loved one smile after a hard day at work. Pick your favorite meme from our collection and say good night in a funnier way. It will be the perfect cap to his or her day.
Are you looking for good night memes? Choose from our collection of the cutest goodnight memes and send your top picks to your loved ones. funny pictures, photos & images? Love these pictures that can be used on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter, and others. Top 45 of the good night quotes with images Positive Energy for Good night. See more ideas about the funny good night, memes, good night images, funny quotes, funny memes.
45 Good Night Memes | Goodnight Memes Images
“May I kiss you then? On this miserable paper? I might as well open the window and kiss the night air.” – Franz Kafka
“Star Light, star bright, you are the first and last I think of tonight. Good night, my true love.” – Unknown
“And I start sleeping and dreaming and I think I’ll dream about you all through the night.” – John Mayer
“Each night, I hope the moon is large and bright and you will be happy and right. When you turn off the light, keep in mind that I am dreaming of you.” – Unknown
“Good night, my angel. Time to close your eyes.” – Billy Joel
“Day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what’s done is done. Embrace your dreams through the night. Tomorrow comes with a whole new light.” – George Orwell
“If the stars really could be wished upon, I would spend every wish on you. But tonight, I wish for you restful sleep, undisturbed by all the worries of this world. And for me, my only wish is to dream of you. Goodnight, my love.” – Unknown
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Good Night Quotes and Messages
#1: “Good night and good luck. Recall your benefits when your problems keep you up at night!”
#2: “God is available on nights and weekends. You, on the other hand, are incorrect! Don’t waste another restless night trying to figure out what’s wrong; instead, put your faith in the Lord to sort things out. Good night!”
#3: “Close your eyes and take a deep breath before drifting off to sleep. Good night and good luck.”
#4: “Don’t forget to express gratitude for anything wonderful that has occurred to you in the past few hours before you go to your bedroom. At the time, I was grateful for your presence. Good night!”
#5: “When I go to bed and find myself unable to sleep, I don’t spend time counting sheep; instead, I go through my list of blessings one by one. Good night!”
#6: “I like the quiet hours of the night because it is possible that pleasant dreams may emerge, revealing to my enchanted sight what may not be visible to my waking eyes. Good night!”
#7: “The day has come to an end, and it is time to relax. Sleep well, my darling; you gave it you’re all in this situation. Tomorrow will arrive, oh so quickly, so shut your eyes and make sure you are up before midday. Good night!”
#8: “What a great idea it is to realise that some of the most memorable days of our lives are yet to occur. Good night!”
#9: “A restful night’s sleep and a lovely dream are the most effective ways to enchant your future. Good night!”
#10: “The day has come to an end. I’m starting to feel tired. Lay down, shut your eyes, and take a long, deep breath. Good night, and good luck.”
#11: “You have absolutely nothing to lose by choosing to be a positive person. In reality, it will be advantageous for you. It is critical to make the night a time to truly relax after having lived your day to the fullest. Do it all while maintaining a positive attitude, and you will always make great strides forward in your life. Good night!”
#12: “Allow us to just enjoy the evening and give a new meaning to the phrase “beautiful dreams” for tonight. Good night!”
#13: “Some nights are meant for pain, while others are built for contemplation, and yet others are made for enjoying their own loneliness. Good night!”
#14: “Let us hope that as you sleep, angels will keep you safe and that the lovely winds of the night will keep you cool. If it’s too chilly outside, may your blankets keep you warm as you drift off to a peaceful sleep? Good night!”
#15: “When God grants you a fresh beginning, it must be preceded by an end. Thank your lucky stars for closed doors. They often point us in the direction of the best option. Good night!”
#16: “She didn’t want any of those days to come to an end, and it was always with a sense of sadness that she watched the darkness advance. Good night!”
#17: “Every day, all I do is look forward to being with you again. My whole day is centered on the hope that I will be able to spend the night in your arms once again. Good night!”
#18: “Don’t be concerned about tomorrow, since God has already arrived on the scene. Good night!”
#19: “Night is a time of severity, but it is also a time of compassion. Good night!”
#20: “I long for the day when each night will be concluded with the words “good night” rather than “goodbye.” Hopefully, that day will arrive soon.”
#21: “Close your eyes and close your heart; dream lovely dreams and sleep well at night.”
#22: “Fear may keep us up all night, while trust is a wonderful cushion to sleep on. Good night!”
#23: “One day, we will never have to say goodbye, just goodnight, since we will have arrived.”
#24: “Take a minute to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, warriors. You were able to go through the day without any worry or anxiety. Tomorrow, you have the opportunity to conquer the globe once again. Good night, and good luck.”
#25: “Sleep well because my love is the wind under your wings, and my embrace and kisses are the warmth that will bring you joy in the morning. Good night, sweetheart.”
#26: “I just can’t put into words how I am feeling. I’m having a hard time dealing with my loneliness. All I can think about is getting to meet you. I’m hoping you can relate to this deep sorrow as well. Good night and good luck.”
#27: “The gentle wind is flowing through my hair, and the soothing touch reminds me of your kisses as I fall asleep. I wish I didn’t have to be so sad about how much I miss you. Good night!”
#28: “A good night’s sleep is the most effective means of bridging the gap between despair and hope. Good night!”
#29: “Good night and good luck. In my fantasies, I’m hoping to run across you again.”
#30: “When you have faith in something, you can hold on to it no matter how your emotions and circumstances change.”
#31: “You will always be given a second opportunity in life. is scheduled for the following day. Good night!”
#32: “This letter includes the following attachments: the sweetest kiss and the most cosy embrace, the cutest cuddle and the warmest snuggle, and the cutest cuddle and the warmest snuggle. Good night!”
#33: “Give yourself some time to relax as the moonlight fades and the world becomes still. Here’s hope that your sleep is as delicious as you are. Good night!”
#34: “Music is love, love is music, music is life, and I like my life because it is filled with music. Thank you very much, and good night.”
#35: “All I want for you is a blanket of clouds over your bed and a sky filled with sparkling crystals. May the angels sing beautiful melodies to you while you sleep, and may they bring you sweet dreams. Good night!”
#36: “The night provides a great chance to relax, to forgive, to smile, and to prepare for all of the fights that await you in the morning. Good night!”
#37: “A new day and a fresh start to make things the best that they can be await you tomorrow! Make someone aware of how much you value them! Goodnight!”
#38: “Goodnight. Those of us who dare to dream will be rewarded with sleep. Anthony T. Hincks is an American businessman and philanthropist. Good night!”
#39: “According to legend, if you have trouble sleeping at night, it is because you are awake in someone else’s dream. Good night!”
#40: “In conclusion, there is something to be said about the evening. The darkness exudes a feeling of possibility, as though anything might happen at any moment. Good night!”
#41: “During your dreams tonight, I want the moon and the stars to watch out for you and make sure your dreams are as calm and happy as possible. Good night!”