165 Birthday Quotes for Your Son – Happy Birthday Son Quotes

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Birthday Wishes for your Son: Parents and the entire family look forward to their son’s birthday. Special birthday greetings for sons might help them feel cherished on their big day, as well. It’s also a good time for parents to show their children how much they mean to them by throwing a big party for them on their birthday. Embrace this post to get some heartfelt birthday greetings for your kid that will brighten his day. Birthdays are a joyous occasion for both the child and the parents! Here are some lovely birthday greetings for your kid.

It is hard to believe that another year has gone by and it is the birthday of your son. You baked the most delicious birthday cakes year after year, and throw the best birthday parties for boys. Remember that amazing birthday party on the theme of Harry Potter and that very cool birthday dinosaur party?

Happy Birthday Son

“Happy birthday son, A list of unique, heartfelt, and humorous birthday wishes for you boy.”

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“Happy birthday my Son! Wishing my son an unforgettable birthday! This is your day so make the most of it, Love you always!”

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“It’s your special day! Wishing a very happy birthday to my favorite boy.”

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“It’s your time to shine, son. Whatever you’re wishing for sure to come true.”

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“Happy birthday son! Dare to think different, It’s the best way to succeed, Dare to dream big fuel your fire to achieve. There’s only one of you, Be as unique as you are, Take your own journey, Step by step you’ll go far.”

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“To my dear son, Happy birthday. You came into my life with a bang and nothing has ever been the same! I can’t imagine life without you, and I am so proud and blessed to call you my son and my friend.”

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“Happy birthday to my son! Wishing you a perfect day and an amazing year!”

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“Happy Birthday To My Spectacular Son! Today is the day that my dear son, were born! This calls for a big celebration. Have an exciting day!”

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“Son, may every dream and wish you have not only come true but also lead to an amazing future for you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON!”

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“Happy birthday my son! Today is the big day of the person who has made me feel so blessed and lucky to have him as my child.”

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Happy Birthday Son quotes, images, pictures, messages | Birthday wishes for son

“Even when you are too old for a room in our house, there will always be room for you in our hearts. You will never be too old for our love and support. Happy birthday to our outstanding son!”

“I am grateful every day that you came into my world. Your smiles and laughter are a balm to my heart. You have brought nothing but happiness into my life. Happy birthday, son!”

“When you were little, I used to be your hero, but now you’ve become mine. I can’t believe how much you’ve grown in the last few years. You’ve become an intelligent, strong, and brave young man whom I look up to. Birthday Wishes | Happy birthday messages, Happy birthday quotes, Birthday quotes for son”

“I have such sweet memories of you as a child, but I have faith that your future will hold even sweeter ones. I hope your cake is half as sweet as you are. Happy birthday, son!”

“I can’t even comprehend how you went from being barely able to clutch my fingers to tightly holding my hand. Time has flown by so quickly over the years, but one thing will always remain constant: my limitless love for you. Happy birthday son!”

“Thanks for giving me the opportunity to feel such an all-encompassing love. You fill my days with warmth, wonder, and joy. I hope your birthday is filled with the same. Happy birthday wishes to my son”

“Happy birthday son quotes. Know that when I scold you, it’s only because I care, and when I hug you, it’s always because I love you to pieces. I wish for only the best in life for you, and may your birthday be filled with lots of presents and laughter.”

“On this day many years ago I had my greatest achievement: having a son like you. I would give you the world if I could, but this year you will just have to settle for this chocolate cake instead. Beautiful Birthday Greetings Quotes for Son Nice Wishes”

“When times are tough, all it takes are thoughts of you to pull me through. Your hugs and kisses nourish my soul, and I’m so grateful that I have a son as precious as you. Happy birthday to my son quotes”

“Happy birthday just isn’t enough to express how great I hope your special day is. I wish I could infuse your day with all the warmth, love, and affection I have for you. May your day be as magnificent as you are son.”

Birthday Wishes for Son – Happy Birthday Son, images, pictures, messages | Birthday quotes for son

“Happy birthday, dear son! The day you were born was the most special and happiest day of my life.” Unknown

“Happy birthday son! You are my greatest blessing, but you will also probably be my biggest downfall. This year I would love it if you could restrain yourself from causing too much trouble. If you can’t manage it then at least try to do it with some style!”

“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is you-er than you.” Dr. Seuss

“This birthday is the perfect reminder for you always to strive to climb every mountain set before you. Someone as dedicated as you can always do what they set their mind to. This year may you conquer every fear and win every battle. Birthday wishes for a son!”

“To my son on his birthday, chase your dreams, find adventure, and enjoy your big day.” Unknown

“When you were born, you were a little bundle of our future hopes and dreams. Now that you’re older you’ve surpassed everything we could have ever hoped for. Happy birthday to our overachieving son!”

“Sometimes I can hardly believe that the man I see when I look at you used to be my little boy.”

“Happy Birthday, Son! | Best Wishes for your Special guys I remember when you were little I used to be your role model. I don’t know when or how it happened, but now you’re mine. Thank you for always being the kind of man I could look up to.”

“As each year passes, I look forward to seeing you grow up stronger and smarter, but most of all, I wish that you will always be loved.” Unknown

“Happy Birthday to our bundle of, Birthday Wish For Son | Happy birthday to us, Birth You bring everlasting light into my world. I hope always to be able to provide you with unlimited comfort and love. Happy birthday to my son who deserves that and so much more in life.”

1. Happy birthday to the best son a mother could ask for! I can’t wait to celebrate you today.

2. Happy birthday to my one and only son! Hope your day is as wonderful as you are!

3. You amaze me every day! Wishing a year full of amazing and wonderful experiences!

4. Wishing the happiest of birthdays to the most wonderful son!

5. No matter how many birthdays come and go, you will always be my sweet adorable boy! Enjoy your birthday son!

6. Happy birthday! Wishing you a wonderful and unforgettable one!

Happy Birthday Son

7. Happy birthday! Never stop dreaming!

8. Happy birthday, son! The joy of having you in my life is immeasurable!

9. Happy birthday my wonderful son! You make parenting look easy!

10. Thank you for always making us proud. Happy birthday, son!

11. May each year continue to make you wiser and happier. Happy Birthday!

12. Happy birthday! You’re such a star.

13. Keep reaching for the stars! Happy birthday.

14. We hope you have the sweetest birthday ever!

15. Happy Birthday, son! May your day be one of laughter and music.

16. You are one in a million! Happy birthday to you!

17. We hope you have the most magical day. Love you lots.

18. Happy birthday! As Dr. Seuss says, “Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!” Love you lots.

19. The hours of labor were definitely worth it! Happy birthday, son.

20. Son, you are thoughtful, kind, intelligent and so good looking … just like your mom. Happy birthday!

Best Birthday Wishes for Son

21. May all your birthday wishes come true — except for the illegal ones!

22. It looks like you’re turning an age where you’ll finally be able to pay us back. Happy birthday!

23. Happy birthday you son of a great mother!

24. Son, this is your happy birthday wish. Don’t expect a birthday card, and you can forget about a gift!

25. Son, as you get older, I thank God I don’t have to baby you anymore! Happy birthday!

26. Happy birthday to my favorite son! Don’t tell your sister I said that!

27. Son, may your life always be full of sunshine and ravioli! Happy birthday, pasta boy!

28. Happy birthday, son! We’ll probably never win the lottery, but we sure hit the jackpot when we got you!

29. Do you know what famous person is your birthday twin? Well, I don’t know either. Happy birthday Son!

30. Son, today you’re our favorite child. Happy birthday!

Birthday Messages for Son

31. Happy birthday, son! May you continue to go shine.

32. Roses are red and candy is sweet, but having you as a son cannot be beat.

33. I’ll never forget when I first held you in my arms. Thanks for being the best son. Happy birthday!

34. We’re so blessed that God gave us you. Happy birthday, my love!

35. I love you to the moon and back. Happy birthday, sweet son of mine.

36. You are my greatest treasure. Wishing you the greatest birthday to date!

37. The greatest gift in life is having you for a son! Happy birthday!

38. They say a picture paints a thousand words, I can’t picture my live without you in it. So blessed to have you for a son! Happy birthday!

39. Today is all about celebrating you. Happy b-day, sweetie!

40. Happy birthday, may your day be filled with nothing but smiles!

Birthday Wishes for Your Son

41. May you continue to shine this year and all the years to come! Happy birthday!

42. I hope you spend all hours of your birthday laughing and smiling. Happy birthday!

43. I love celebrating your birthday each year. I hope this one is one you’ll always remember.

44. Happy birthday to you! Let’s make today one in a million because you are one in a million.

45. You’re a true star. Happy birthday, son!

46. It’s your birthday! Have a blessed birthday!

47. Happy birthday to the great son ever! Don’t ever change.

48. Happy birthday, son! Little by little you have left the little boy behind and grown into a confident, kind, caring man. I’m so proud of you.

49. What would I do without you? Happy birthday, son!

50. Son, sending you my best wishes, my tightest hugs and all my love. Have a very happy birthday.

Best Happy Birthday Quotes For Sons

51. Never forget that you are my greatest pride and my greatest joy! Happy birthday, son.

52. Don’t forget you are capable of achieving great things! Happy birthday.

53. Happy birthday, son! Your future looks bright.

54. May your light always shine! Happy birthday!

55. Son, wishing you a future full of extraordinary experiences. Happy birthday!

56. Happy birthday! I hope you experience countless joys in live! The kind of joy I felt the instant you came into this world.

57. You are a joy and so easy to love! Have an amazing birthday!

58. Son, my wish for your birthday is that you find what you are searching for with all your heart and achieve all the dreams one can wish for!

59. Son, you make my life shine and full of happiness. I wish you all the best for this and all the birthdays to come.

60. Son, don’t worry about the future, I am sure it will be bright. Don’t worry about the past, you can’t change it. Focus on enjoying the present and what’s to come. Happy birthday!

61. On your birthday I can’t help but look back and see that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me! Have an incredible birthday!

62. You are a source of pride and joy. Wishing you a very happy birthday!

63. It’s your birthday! We can’t wait to spend the day celebrating you today!

64. Happy birthday. I hope this day brings you the same sweetness you have brought into my life!

65. Happy birthday my wonderful son. I hope the smile on your face never fades away. Have an amazing day!

Birthday Wishes for your Son

66. One of the best parts of my life is you! Have a wonderful birthday son!

67. A son is a dream come true for every parent. Thanks for making our dreams come true. Happy birthday!

68. Birthdays are nature‘s way to eat more cake. Enjoy son!

69. Today all your loved ones celebrate the day you came into the world, we celebrate your life, we celebrate you and all the good and happiness that you have given us every day of your life

70. Happy birthday to a kind, generous and loving son.

71. Even though she sometimes scolds you, never doubt how much your mother loves you. Happy birthday, son, I hope your day is unbeatable!

72. It’s a magical day because it’s your birthday!

73. Wishing you the happiest birthday ever! You are a model son!

74. Happy birthday to the sweetest, kindest son. Wishing you a future full of many blessings!

75. I started loving you, from the moment I found we were going to be your parents … and I’ll never stop! Happy birthday!

Best Happy Birthday Wishes For Sons

76. The love of a child is the greatest thing a parent can have, and we feel very lucky to have yours. Happy birthday son!

77. Of all the things I have done throughout my life, I think you have been the very best. I hope you enjoy this special day!

78. Happy birthday! My greatest wish for you is that every day you wake up with a smile and go to bed with another!

79. Just seeing you smile makes me happy, son. I hope this day is very special for you and that you never forget it!

80. Happy Birthday! May you always be kind, sweet and funny.

81. Happy birthday to my son! They grow up so fast.

82. Happy birthday to my #1 guy! Love you, son.

83. Happy birthday, son. Watching you grow and thrive is a beautiful thing!

84. He did it again! Another year older another year better!

85. Happy birthday! Here’s another opportunity to annoy everyone you know!

86. Happiness is having a son like you! Happy birthday!

87. Son, you are my pride and joy, the joy in my life. Happy birthday darling!

88. Just watching you grow up brings a smile on our faces. Happy birthday, son.

89. I can’t keep calm, it’s my son’s birthday!

90. Wow, I can’t believe my baby boy is a teenager today! Happy birthday, son!

Ways To Say Happy Birthday Son

91. Is there anything you can’t do? Happy birthday, son!

92. Wishing a lovely birthday to a handsome boy.

93. How is my baby today? Happy birthday, son!

94. One of my favorite memories has been raising you! Happy birthday to the most amazing son.

95. I could write a book about how much I love this boy. Happy birthday to my wonderful won.

96. Today’s the only day breakfast, lunch and dinner will consist of cupcakes, cake and candy. Happy birthday, son!

97. Every parent wishes they had a son like you. Happy birthday to my sweet boy.

98. This boy makes life so much fun. I’m so thankful for you. Happy birthday!

99. My little boy isn’t so little anymore. Happy birthday to you!

100. Happy birthday to my husband’s mini me.

Happy Birthday Son Wishes

101. Happy birthday to my fun-loving, sweet and smart boy!

102. How is my son growing up so fast? Here’s to another year celebrating you. Happy birthday!

103. You’re the light of my life. Happy birthday, son!

104. No matter how old you get; you’ll always be my little boy. Happy birthday, son!

105. This year went by so fast. I can’t believe it’s your birthday today. Happy birthday to the sweetest kid around.

106. Being your mom is my favorite thing. Happy birthday!

107. Thanks for making me a mom! Happy birthday, son!

108. Today’s an extra special day because it’s my son’s birthday!

109. Happy birthday to my little prince!

110. How are you growing up so fast? Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Son Quotes

111. May your day be filled with sunshine! Happy birthday, son!

112. Today’s going to be the best day ever because it’s your birthday. Happy birthday, son!

113. I can’t believe my baby boy is a teenager today! Happy birthday to the sweetest 13-year-old.

114. Happy birthday, son! I’m obsessed with the man you are becoming.

115. Ten years ago, you made me a mom. Thanks for making every year since then an adventure. Happy birthday, son!

116. Being a boy mom is the best! I’m so excited to see how much you grow this year. Happy birthday, son!

117. It’s my son’s birthday which means today is my favorite day!

118. Happy birthday to the coolest guy I know. I love you, son.

119. When I think of you, the first thing that comes to mind is the immense love and pride I have for you. It knows no bounds and has no equal. You are everything to me, my son.

120. You fill my day with lots of happy moments and incredibly precious memories. I look back on my time with you with nothing but absolute satisfaction and delight. Happy birthday, son!

Happy Birthday Son Messages

121. Nothing has been the same since you came into my life, and I want you to know I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am so grateful that you have changed my life for the better.

122. This year for your birthday it seems our roles are reversed. Instead of giving you a present it seems you have gifted us with one, the gift of a perfect son. Happy birthday!

123. Today is your big day, and I hope it is filled with awe and grandeur. I think the world of you, and I want your birthday to be as perfect as you are.

124. I hope you face the world with positivity and courage, my son. May everything you want in life come to you this year. Happy birthday!

125. I hope you know that I will always love you no matter what the future holds. Even if you crush all my hopes and dreams like you crushed my car, I will still love you. I might just love you a little less though. Just kidding!

126. Sending the most loving wishes to our phenomenal son this year. May your birthday be filled with good times spent with even better friends. Happy birthday, son!

127. I thought I had the perfect life and then you came along. Then I realized I had no idea what perfect was until I was blessed with a son as beautiful as you.

128. I hope you are half as proud to be my son as I am to be your parent. Know that I am your biggest fan and your greatest protector in life. Happy birthday!

129. When you were little, I vowed always to protect, care for, and love you. Somehow over the years, our positions have been reversed. Now you protect and care for me, but I will still always love you.

130. Our relationship may not have always been the smoothest one, but it’s always contained love and respect so we will get there in the end. Happy birthday to my son who tries my nerves but always earns my respect.

Happy Birthday

131. You continue to amaze me with your ability to spread kindness and generosity to everyone you meet. To be honest, I’m not sure where you got those qualities, but I am so thrilled you have them!

132. May your birthday herald great successes for the rest of your life. I want you to know that you are my biggest joy and greatest pride. Happy birthday, son!

133. If you need a shoulder to lean on or a place to rest your burdens know that you can always turn to me. The job of being a parent will always include providing you with a place to call home.

134. May your birthday remain forever in your heart as you do in mine. A son as precious and wonderful as you is a true gift in life. Happy birthday to the world’s greatest son!

135. It’s your special day! Wishing you health, wealth and happiness. Happy birthday, sweetheart!

And don’t ignore the hours spent trying out ideas for DIY birthday party decoration It’s not always easy to find the right words for your loved ones on their birthday, so we’ve compiled these 165 birthday quotes for your son. From funny to happy to sappy and everything in between, these sayings will help mom and dad express their love for their son on his birthday.

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