Funny Quotes And Sayings Top 21+ Funny Memes That Will Change Your Life with Laugh “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” —Winston Churchill
Best funny quotes about life “ Poor plants, save the plants, save the world. Every day, thousands of innocent plants are killed by vegetarians. Help end the violence. Eat bacon.” –Me
Awesome funny quotes with images “ You can’t always control who walks into your life but you can decide which windows will fit their body.” –Not me
Looking for the best funny sayings, photos & images? Love These pictures can be used on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter, and others. 21 of the funny quotes with images of Positive Energy for your life.
Funny Quotes And Sayings
1. At least try to think
2. Inspiration come from anywhere
3. Child Of God
4. Oh My God, Leave it!
5. Unfair, No one can stop me
6. The Rock Pebble…
7. Am I evil? Noooo.. Yes, I am
8. The exact moment You can’t believe
9. I’m not bossy! Yes I am.
10. I did it for good but Happen wrong side What I did it?
11. Eat bacon Don’t believe veg?
12. Wrong side?
13. Why are you eating their food?
Funny Memes
14. Find Me?
15. Without pants fight for belt
16. You Can’t What you think like idiot?
17. Top to Bottom
18. Get back to work, Idiot I’m work in Facebook
19. Just Sayings
20. I don’t want to start
21. And He is…
Funny Quotes
“There’s always that one friend.”
“When life leaves you hanging… Don’t quit”
“I’m not old I woke up, I lifted my arms, I moved my knees, I turned my neck…. Everything made the same noise: ‘crrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaacccck!” …. i came to a conclusion: I am not old, I am crispy!”
“Do you ever get up in the morning, look at yourself in the mirror and think “that can’”
“Dogs are for people who need to be worshipped as gods cats are for people who are strong enough to have a god stand on their chest at 5 am demanding a sacrifice”
“Sometimes all you can do is just hang on.”
“When the teacher is watching you during a test.. And you pretend that you’re at least trying to think.”
“Inspiration: can come from anywhere.”
“Sir, why do you have a child’s ticket? Because I am a child of god.”
“When you clean the kitchen of and ten minutes later the sink is full of dishes.”
“I went to zoo and the rhino was tired unfair “no one can stop me when I have the infinity sto…” Thanos never even saw it coming that.”
“The rock looking more like the pebble… Kune do jeet bruce lee don angeles calie.”
“I shine a laser pointer in my neighbor’s window when they’re gone. Their cat has trashed 3 sets of mini blinds chasing it. They have no idea it’s me. Am I evil? Yes, I am.”
“The exact moment a parent realizes it’s not their kid’s first time drinking Vifi”
“I’m not bossy! I have skills…leadership skills!! Understand?”
“Have you ever felt like you did everything right… And it still all went wrong.”
“Every day, thousands of innocent plants are killed by vegetarians. Help end the violence. Eat bacon.”
“Dear vegetarians… If you’re trying to save the animals, why are you eating their food week”
“Bill Clinton hiding in the bushes is the best thing I’ve seen in a while:”
“Wrestling; a sport where people without pants fight for a belt.”
“You can’t always control who walks into your life… But you can control which window you throw them out of”
“I just cleaned everything from top to bottom. So now I’m gonna need everyone to stop living here.”
“What the hell are you doing on Facebook?! Get back to work! But, sir I am working. Oh, right. I keep forgetting.”
“I end a lot of my sentences with ‘just saying’ because ending the sentence with ‘dumb ass’ would probably be considered offensive”
“I just read that last year 4,213,257 people got married. I don’t want to start any trouble, but shouldn’t that be an even number.”